We are pleased to announce that we have received the order to deliver a complete sawmill to Algeria.

A medium-sized entrepreneur from Algeria visited our stand at LIGNA and showed interest in our sawmill machines. Immediately afterwards, the two managing directors of the company visited us. We organized a tour of our sawmills in the Czech Republic and Germany for them. They were particularly impressed by the performance, user-friendliness and robustness of our machines.

Following this visit, both sides signed a preliminary contract for the delivery of the complete sawmill. Delivery is to take place after receiving the necessary permits and approvals from the local authorities. Unfortunately, this is not an easy or quick way. In October 2024, the managing directors of the Algerian company visited us again to discuss the final details. The final contract was signed in January 2025. We are pleased that we are now able to deliver the first MS-sawmill to Algeria.

The sawing system consists of a high-performance circular saw DBS-450 to cut round-timber and an extremely powerful multiple-blade circular saw HNS-2. Both are two-spindle saws. The sawmill also includes a heavy multiplr blade saw with automatic width adjustment MBS-BV and feed rate of up to 100 m/min, round wood feed and various mechanizations. Our circular saw DBS-450 is already being used in 20 (!) countries.

Algeria is the largest country on the African continent in terms of area. One of the country’s main concerns is to diversify its dependence on oil and gas exports. We are pleased to make our contribution to this important development and would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in our machines!